Gemstone Treatments for the Face & Body

I love Crystals & Gemstones!
So I created a signature treatment
and How-To course!
There is more to placing gemstones on a client than just matching the colors of the Chakras. In this course, you will learn how to select stones that will balance and restore, rather than disrupt the energy of your client.
• Learn which gemstones are the safest and most effective to use in treatments and gemstone beverages.
• How to select your gemstone helpers for healing.
• Practice using a pendulum to read the energy of the Chakras and complete the Chakra intake form to show the before and after results.
• Learn my Energy Make-Over system to select and place gemstones on the body for the most impactful healing experience.
​• Receive a recipe book to make gemstone beverages to enhance your energy and create a natural gemstone high.

Learn Chakra Balancing with Gemstones
Here’s what’s included:
Access 30 Training Videos on how to understand energy, Chakras, gemstones, and performing treatments and Chakra balancing, including:
Welcome: Gemstone overview, and Gemstone intro with Linda.
Understanding Energy: Energy conversation, Sway Test, How to use a pendulum.
The Chakra System: The Chakra intake form, What are Chakras?
How-To Gemstone Treatment Demo: Lucia's before interview, Lucia's Energy Make-Over, Lucia's after interview.
Energy Healing with Gemstones: How to select your gemstones, Energy healing with gemstones, Dowsing for protection.
Model Demo - Sheila: Sheila's before interview, Sheila's Energy Make-Over, Sheila's after interview.
How to Wash Your Gemstones: How to clean your gemstones.
Energy Make-Over - Anna & Ginger
Energy Make-Over - Sara
Energy Make-Over - Victoria
Distance Treatments: How to perform distance gemstone treatments, Formula for a prayer.
Chakralicious Recipes: Chakralicious Recipe Book download including how-to recipes:
How to make gemstone drinks and more...
Two Bonus Videos
Gemstones for the Face & Body Certificate upon completion
Cost: $195

Downloads include:
Chakralicious Recipe Book: (30 Pages)
​Gemstone Beverages (non-alcoholic)
Gemstone Mojito
Peach Julep
Gemstone-Herbal Waters
Rose Petal Tea
Chamomile Cookies
Lavender Cookies
Ginger Honey
And more...
How to Use a Pendulum
Chakra Intake Form
Condition of the Chakras Form
Chakra Chart to Perform Distance Treatments

But don’t just take my word for it! Here’s what others are saying:

Julie Hasson, Esthetician, GF Chef + Recipe Developer
"Linda's courses have been amazing and have forever changed my life
in the most incredible ways!"

Sara Rudman, Esthetician Educator
"The Gemstones for the Face & Body course cleared up a lot of confusion I was having when using gemstones. It gave me the confidence to give safe and effective treatments to my clients."

Anna Falcon Bermudez, L.E., Cidesco Diplomat
"Since taking Linda's Reiki level 1 and Gemstones Treatment courses, I have performed Reiki on myself almost daily and couldn't wait to put my hands on my peoples. I feel much more centered, loving, lighter, gaining more abilities, and still evolving as I continue to heal."