Chakra Personality Profile - FAMILY (4)
Learn how each family member views and responds to life for better understanding!
Service Description
Imagine...knowing and understanding your loved ones better so that you can validate and support each persons strengths rather than go crazy trying to figure out why they are the way they are. Everyone is a unique individual with everything they need to be the person they are meant to be. Learning who each member of your family is and how they respond to life is a real game changer! This reading will help you understand each person's strengths and challenges so you can utilize everyone's best talents and get along better. Your Chakra Personality Type (CPT) shows the energy vibration you were born with, revealing your innate strengths, challenges and life purpose. This reading puts the pieces of the puzzle together to help you better understand yourself and your family members. Once you embrace and utilize your innate gifts, you make the world a better place just by being you! This reading includes: Chakra Personality types workbook Personality traits overview handout CPT online course Prep time to create the family profile - 90 minutes+ Chakra Personality Profile Chart - given right before your zoom session Online zoom session with Linda and family member/s - 60 - 75 minutes
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule please allow at least 48 hours advanced notice.
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